




I have benefited a lot from this workshop, which is beneficial for my self-improvement, especially in my teaching capability. Thanks go to the University for providing us with such a good opportunity. Learning is not only an indispensable and important task in the process of ones growth, but also the key to ones success. Therefore, as a university teacher, we must establish the idea of long-term learning and make our own contribution in our own post.


My most impression about this workshop is in teaching. It is not only a process for teachers to teach students, but also a process of learning from each others strengths, communicating and improving each other. It plays an important role in gathering strength and improving teamwork spirit.

——白求恩第二临床医学院副主任医师/副教授 孙平丽



During the on-line course, Cambridge professors’ humor and patience is quite impressive and unforgettable. These courses provide expansion and extension for my international horizon. My classmates and I worked together during the program and build up the friendship.


I enlarge horizon and learn how to think critically. All these precious experiences will be useful when I write academic papers and make effective multidisciplinary collaboration. Furthermore, My English skills and teaching capability have been improved through these intensive courses taught by the Cambridge professors.

——白求恩第二临床医学院讲师/主治医师 何宇茜



——白求恩第二临床医学院主治医师 孙颖健


In the past two weeks, we not only learned some interesting and useful courses, including academic paper writing skills, translating academic research into impact, academic research and publishing skills and effective multidisciplinary collaboration, but also made many good friends and enhanced the awareness of teamwork. At the same time, I felt the cultural differences and research gap between us, so I hope to have an opportunity to be a visiting scholar for further research in the near future. Finally, I am very grateful for both the professors in University of Cambridge and the staff team in our university who elaborately prepared this workshop.

———药学院讲师 王翠竹




——植物科学学院讲师 王晶莹


I am glad that I had the opportunity to attend JLU Faculty Workshop on Global Competence. Without any overstatement, it was one of the most informative and helpful workshops I have attended. The workshops are interactive, with a mix of facilitated exercises, presentations and discussion. The professors are friendly and highly experienced, who have a passion for sharing their knowledge with us.


What impressed me the most was how to write and publish a scientific paper. It helps us to understand the journey from  writing a journal to publishing it, from researcher perspective to editorial perspective. This course has improved my own writing skills and especially helped me understand more about the publishing process and how to select a journal including why manuscripts get accepted/rejected as well as understanding how to respond effectively to reviewers comments. Now I am eager to adapt the writing and publishing advice to my existing personal project. Also, I felt now more equipped than before and can approach journals with confidence.

——动物医学学院副教授 莫小兵
